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People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Embassy of Algeria in Oslo

Consular registration

Consular registration
  • For a first registration, the applicant will be asked to present himself/herself to the consular service provided with the original document showing his/her legal presence in the country.
  • The registration card has five years period of validity, after that it must be renewed. Art. 19 of Presidential Decree 02-405 of 26 November 2002, relating to the consular function.
  • "In the absence of renewal of the registration within ten (10) years, it is proceeded to the radiation of interested parties ".: Art. 20 of the decree above mentioned.



Deletion from the consular register

In accordance with Article 36 of Presidential Decree No. 02-405 of November 26, 2002 on the consular service, particularly Articles 26 and 27, the deletion from the consular immatriculation registers is carried out in the following cases:

  • Death.
  • Final return to Algeria
  • Change of consular district.
  • On handwritten request requesting the cancellation.
  • Absence for more than 10 years.

Removal from the registration books leads to removal from the electoral roll during annual and exceptional revisions that allow for the electoral roll to be cleared.

A fee is required for the issuance of a certificate of deletion.

Documents required for renewal of the consular registration card
  • Application Form dully filled out and signed by the applicant.
  • Expired Consular Registration Card. In case the Consular card is not available (lost, stolen or damaged), the applicant must dully fill out and sign the form (download) of declaration of loss and legalize it by a public notary. The seal of the notary must be on the Form.
  • Two (2) standard passport-size photos.
  • A copy of a document showing the legal presence in the country.
  • Proof of address in the consular circumscription of the Embassy.
  • Statement of employment or university registration.
  • Self-addressed prepaid envelope.

Documents required for the request of Consular registration transfer:

  • Application Form dully filled out and signed by the applicant.
  • Original Consular Registration Card.
  • Four (4) standard passport-size photos.
  • A copy of a document showing the legal presence in the country.
  • Proof of address in the consular circumscription of the Embassy.
  • Statement of employment or school registration.
Documents required for first registration
  • Application form dully filled out and signed by the applicant.
  • Original full birth certificate.
  • Original father's full birth or death certificate.
  • Applicants born overseas should include birth certificates of two (2) paternal ascendants born in Algeria or a certificate of Algerian nationality.
  • Marriage certificate (for married citizens).
  • Divorced women should include record of divorce judgment.
  • A copy of a document showing the legal presence in the country.
  • Proof of address in the consular circumscription of the Embassy.
  • Statement of employment or university registration.
  • Five (5) standard passport-size photos.


Legalization of documents

1: Legalization of commercial documents:

The Consular Section/Algerian Embassy in Osloprocesses the legalization of commercial documentation stated below. Prior to that, it should be legalized and certified by the Norwegian Ministry of foreign affairs.

Legalization fees per document:

. Certificate of origin;

. Invoice: depends on the invoice's amount and the exchange rate on daily basis;

. Company's annual report and/or status;

. Certification of a copy of one of these documents.

2. for the non-commercial documents

The Consular Section/Algerian Embassy in Oslo processes the legalization of documents created in Norway for use in Algeria, provided that these documents be apostilled or authenticated by Norwegian Ministry of foreign affairs

Noncommercial legalization Fees:

25 NOK for the original document, £ 5 for the certification of a copy of one of these documents;

3. Legalization of signature

The legalization affixed to a document consists of the physical certification of the signature of an adult national.
The presence of the applicant with his Algerian passport or the valid Algerian identity card is mandatory.

4. Certification of Documents

This is the certification of the conformity of a photocopy in view of the original of an administrative document.

Documents required:

- Algerian identity document (Algerian identity card, Algerian passport, consular registration card)
- The original document
- Copies of the document to be certified
- Fees: £2

consular services fees

Nature of service / Nature de la prestation

Value / Valeur (DA)

Value / Valeur (NOK)

Passport / Passeport  

Students and under 19 Children

( For Students , a valid student certificate is needed

6000 DA



3000 DA





Passport / Passeport ( Lost, stolen or damaged)

 10000 DA


National identity card / Carte nationale d’identité 


National identity card / Carte nationale d’identité( Lost, stolen or damaged)

    1000  DA


Terminating residency / Certificat de changement de résidence (CCR)

- this fee is increased by 400 DA per 10,000 DA of the declared value

- this fee is reduced by 50% for students and trainees only

4000 DA

    400 DA   



Accommodation certificate / Attestation d’Accueil

500 DA


Parental authorization for travel / Autorisation paternelle

200 DA


Legalization of documents / Légalisation

200 DA


Certificate conform / Certificat conforme

200 DA


Certified copy / Copie certifiée conforme

200 DA


Legalisation of commercial documents / Visa pour documents commerciaux

6000 DA


Certificate of origin for goods / Certificat d’origine pour marchandise

6000 DA


Power of attorney/ Procuration

        500 DA


Sworn statement/Déclaration sur l'honneur

        200 DA


Registration of vessels / Algérianisation des navires

25.000 DA


Certificate of seaworthiness of vessels / Certificat de sécurité ou de navigabilité des navires

30.000 DA


Duplicate of family book / Duplicata du livret de famille

2000 DA


Translation of a family book / Traduction d’un livret de famille

2000 DA


Certificate of legal representative / Attestation de représentant légal

500 DA


Declaration of loss / Déclaration de perte

200 DA


Attestation of consular registration / Attestation d’immatriculation consulaire

200 DA


Certificate of cancellation from the consular registers / Attestation de radiation des registres consulaires d’immatriculation

200 DA


Criminal record / Casier judiciaire



Fees must be paid in Norwegian Krone only.


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